Welcome to Palmetto Middle School!
Stay Informed:
• Sign up for our bi-weekly e-newsletter. Go To: http://www.pmsptsa.org and sign up for the “Lancer LINK”.
• Download the FREE Palmetto Middle School PTSA app for iPhone and Android. Go to the iTunes Store or Google Play, and search for “Palmetto Middle School”. Be sure to allow Push Notifications to get important information!
• “Like” us on Facebook (Palmetto Middle School PTSA) or “follow” us on Instagram (PalmettoMiddle_PTSA)
• Bookmark the school website: http://palmettomiddle.com for important school information, including contact information for teachers.
• Register on the MDCPS parent portal: https://mdcpsportal.dadeschools.net . Here you will find important information about your child, including their class schedule and teachers, grades, bus information, and more.
• Be familiar with the school calendar, including teacher work days and holidays. The calendar can be found here: http://www.dadeschools.net/calendars/
Important Dates:
• Thursday, August 15th at 6:00 pm: 6th Grade & New Student Orientation. On this evening, you and your child(ren) are invited to the Auditorium for Orientation. Afterward, you are welcome to tour the school to become acquainted with your child(ren)’s classrooms.
• Thursday, August 15th, 4pm-8pm: School Store Open in Cafeteria.
• Friday, August 16th, 9am-1pm: School Store Open in Cafeteria.
• Monday, August 19th: First Day of School. School hours are 9:10 AM- 3:50 PM.
• Thursday, September 12th:
o First PTSA Meeting, 9am & 6pm- Media Center.
o Academic Options/Informational Meeting, 10:30am & 6:30pm- Media Center.
• Date TO BE ANNOUNCED: Back to school Open House Night.
• Please note the PTSA Calendar of Events for the year, which will be sent home and posted on our website. Any date changes will be announced on the App and in the ‘Lancer LINK’ newsletter.
General Information:
• Uniforms: Palmetto Middle School Students are required to wear a uniform. To see the uniform policy, go to http://www.pmsptsa.org, click on “Info”, then “School Uniform Policy.” Students are also required to wear a separate uniform if they are taking Physical Education (P.E.). P.E. uniforms can be purchased online and at our school store which will be open before school starts (see dates above) and during the school year at the School Store before 9:10 a.m. We recommend you purchase 2-3 PE outfits to ensure you have a clean one to send with your child when needed.
• Online Store: Visit mkt.com/palmettomiddleschoolgear to pre-order our new sweatshirt, Friday spirit shirts, P.E. uniforms, and other supplies. New items available! Order pickup is Thurs., August 15th from 4 PM – 8 PM; Fri., August 16th from 9 AM – 1 PM; or at the School Store as of August 19th.
• Class Schedules: Class schedules will be provided on or close to the first day of school on the MDCPS parent portal at https://mdcpsportal.dadeschools.net
• School Supply Lists: Teachers will provide class supply lists during the first week of school, not before school starts. Your child should come to school the first day with basic necessities such as a binder, folders, paper, pencils, a red & black pen, highlighter and a computer flash drive.
• Lunch: Can be brought from home or purchased at school. More information about school lunch, including a daily menu, can be found here: http://nutrition.dadeschools.net
• Bus Service: If your child is eligible for bus service, you will receive a postcard from the school district (probably in August) with details about your bus route and pickup/drop off times. This information is also available on the Student Portal. If your child is not eligible for bus service and you live in Pinecrest (usually those people within 1 mile of the school), you can request that the Village of Pinecrest schedule a People Mover stop near your home. If
you are interested in using this service in the 2019-20 school year, whether a retuning rider or a new one, you must let the Village know by completing the “Stop Request Form” at www.pinecrest-fl.gov/PPM or emailing your information to PPM@pinecrest-fl.gov. You can also visit www.pinecrest-fl.gov/PPM to see the new route once it is posted at the end of the summer.
• Parking (Drop off/Pick up): Parking is very limited but surprisingly manageable. Unlike elementary school, there is no specifically designated drop off/pick up spot. During drop off in the morning, you are welcome to park on the perimeter of the school (NOT in the teacher parking lot). Most parents drive past the front, stop at the crossing guard and let their child out. For pick up, set up a place to meet your child nearby the front/side of school. Pick up is very crowded but don’t fret – it works. You and your child will figure out what works for you in the first week.
• Clubs/Sports: PMS offers a HUGE variety of activities and we highly encourage your child to get involved. Clubs and sports vary from year to year. Please go to palmettomiddle.com, and click on “Students” to see what clubs and sports are offered, and when. In the first weeks of school, your child will be given information about clubs and sports for the 2018-19 school year.
• Summer Reading: Please go to palmettomiddle.com, click on “Students”, then “Student Resources,” then “Summer Reading.” In an effort to minimize loss of learning during the summer, Palmetto Middle School has provided students in grades 6-8 summer reading.
• Special Programs: Palmetto Middle is proud to announce that we are a Cambridge School! To read more about the program in general, go to http://www.cie.org.uk. Palmetto Middle also offers a Forensic Science Academy. To read more about these two special programs at PMS, go to palmettomiddle.com under ‘Academics.’ Besides these special programs, Palmetto Middle offers various levels of instruction, including gifted, advanced, general education, and remedial. In order to be in the gifted program, a student must have an EP (Education Plan). If you have any questions, contact the school to find out more information about appropriate class placement for your child.
Get Involved:
• Volunteer! Parent/Guardians, Grandparents, Community Businesses- We LOVE and NEED volunteers! Not only is it rewarding, but volunteering is the best way to know what is going on at your child’s school. Please read the PTSA directory to see what committees we offer. Each one could use help. To volunteer, please email us at PalmettoMiddleVolunteers@gmail.com
• JOIN THE PTSA! Even if you can’t volunteer, joining the PTSA gives you a voice on important issues related to your child’s education. Each member is COUNTED and represented by our State organization when speaking to lawmakers in Florida about important legislation that affects YOU AND YOUR CHILD! If you are concerned about your child’s education, school safety, testing, and many other issues joining the PTSA is the easiest way to have your voice heard. In addition, our monthly meeting Agendas and Minutes are posted online for your information and input all year round. To join online: http://palmettohighptsa.org/join-donate-2/.
• Help support Palmetto Middle School PTSA when you shop Amazon! Simply add this bookmark to your computer and use it when you shop at Amazon. There is no additional charge to you, and Amazon will give our PTSA a small commission of all sales. Please share with friends and family. THANK YOU! http://www.amazon.com/?tag=palmettomiddleptsa-20. We also collect Box Tops (box is in th e office).
• Still have questions? Visit the PTSA in the cafeteria on, Thursday, August 15th, 4pm-8pm and Friday, August 16th, 9am-1pm, where PTSA representatives will be available to answer your questions or concerns.
Welcome to Palmetto Middle School!