January 28, 2021 – January 29, 2021 all-day
Picture Day

MPSH will be taking school photos on Thursday, January 28th & Friday, January 29th. Fox-Mar will photograph each student regardless of a package purchase. All packages are pre-paid and must be paid for on or before Picture Day; prepaying for the packages online is recommended. You can pre-pay online by going to www.foxmar.com/prepay. This is a major fundraiser for our school and a great opportunity to buy portraits of your child that you will cherish for years to come. All students will receive additional information via their English teachers very shortly. If you have any additional questions, please contact the yearbook adviser, Mrs. Huffman at: a.huffman.thepalmecho@gmail.com

Thank you for participating in the picture program.

Forms are attached to pay on Picture Day.

MSO students will have the ability to be photographed, More details about MSO photography scheduling TBA.

Picture Day Order Form